PDO Thread Lift

Here at Naomi Waite Aesthetics we offer the PDO thread lift, which is a cutting-edge advancement in the field of aesthetics. Its popularity has grown in recent years with the desire to reverse the effects of aging on the skin without going under the knife. PDO threads, the foundation of the PDO thread lift treatment, have been safely used in surgical procedures for decades. PDO threads consist of polylactic acid and glycolic acid, which are biodegradable materials.

When PDO threads are used in an aesthetic treatment, the benefits are significant. Firstly, they improve the skin’s overall texture by lifting the sagging skin instantly. PDO threads work to mechanically pull at the drooping skin to create lift, contour, and improve the skin’s tone. Secondly, PDO threads contract the fat tissue under the skin, which results in instant tightening of the skin. This tightening makes the skin firm and youthful, while also reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

The most exciting benefit of PDO thread lift is the collagen production it promotes. PDO threads activate the skin’s natural renewal processes at a cellular level. Collagen is the essential building block of the skin, and increases blood flow circulation to the skin. This increased blood circulation provides vital nutrients and oxygen to the skin cells, which helps to regenerate new cells.

The result of PDO thread lift is a rejuvenated, more youthful-looking skin with significant improvements in skin texture, volume, and elasticity. PDO thread lift is quick and safe.

PDO thread lift is one of the most effective treatments available to reduce the effects of aging on the skin. It offers a range of benefits that go beyond quick lifting and tightening. PDO threads’ long-standing safety record and non-invasive nature make it a highly sought-after solution for anyone looking to enhance their appearance.

Because a PDO thread lift is so versatile, it can treat virtually any area of the face. These include the:



Jaw line

Naso jugal folds

Nasolabial folds

Crow’s feet

Undereye area



Marionette lines

The cheeks and the lower face/neck region are the most commonly treated. The cheeks and lower face are great regions to treat because they lend themselves so well to synergistic skin lifting treatments.


At Naomi Waite Aesthetics, we offer PDO threads as a non-surgical face lift option to help lift and tighten the skin of the face. A PDO COG thread lift is a popular treatment that is commonly referred to as the ‘no blade face lift’. This is because the procedure does not require any incisions to be made in the skin, making it a minimally invasive treatment.

Our expert team uses PDO COG threads to produce collagen in the skin and redefine the contours of the face. These threads are made from polydioxonone (PDO), which is a safe and biodegradable material that has been used in surgery for many years. PDO COG threads can be used on their own as a standalone procedure or in combination with other treatments to achieve the desired results.

Many of our patients have found that PDO COG threads provide immediate results that continue to improve over time, peaking at 3-6 months after treatment. The effects of this treatment can last between 2-3 years, making it a long-lasting and affordable solution for individuals who are looking for a non-surgical facelift.

It is important to note that there is no known interaction between hyaluronic acid filler and PDO threads. This makes the PDO COG thread lift a safe and effective option for individuals who have previously had filler treatments.

If you are considering a PDO COG thread lift, we encourage you to book a consultation with our team at Naomi Waite Aesthetics. We will be happy to discuss your options and help you choose the best treatment plan to meet your unique needs and goals. Our friendly and professional team is committed to providing high-quality, personalised care to all of our patients.

Frequently asked questions

A PDO Cog Lift is a non-surgical facelift treatment that utilizes threads made of polydioxanone (PDO), a safe, biodegradable material commonly used in medical procedures. The threads are inserted into the skin to lift and contour the face, stimulating collagen production for a youthful, vibrant look.

PDO Cog Lift threads have tiny barbs that anchor them to the skin, providing a lifting and tightening effect. The threads also stimulate the body’s natural collagen production, increasing skin elasticity and volume. The threads naturally dissolve over time, leaving behind youthful, rejuvenated skin.

A PDO Cog Lift can be used to lift and contour sagging skin on the face, neck, and jowls.

Yes, PDO Cog Lift is a safe and minimally invasive procedure. The threads used in the treatment are made of PDO, a bio-compatible material that has been used in medical procedures for over 30 years. As with any medical procedure, there may be some risks involved, but these are minimal and can be discussed during a consultation.

PDO Cog Lift typically takes between 30-45 minutes. This is dependent on the number of areas being treated and your specific needs.

PDO Cog Lift offers an instant lifting and tightening effect, with results that can last up to 18 months. The treatment also stimulates collagen production, resulting in smoother, more supple skin.

You may experience some mild swelling, redness, and bruising immediately following the procedure. These side effects typically subside within a few days. You can resume normal activities immediately after the procedure, but it is recommended that you avoid strenuous exercise for 24-48 hours.

The results of PDO Cog Lift can last up to 18 months, but this may vary depending on individual factors such as lifestyle, age, and skin condition. Regular maintenance treatments may be required to maintain results over time.

The treatment is minimally invasive and generally pain-free. Local anesthetic can be used to numb the treatment area prior to the procedure to ensure your comfort.

The cost of PDO Cog Lift varies depending on the number of areas being treated and your specific needs. Please contact our clinic to schedule a consultation and receive a personalized quote.

pdo thread treatment summary

Treatment care


Smoking and all kinds of alcohol must be avoided for at least one week before the procedure as they can dehydrate the skin and even affect the anaesthetic step. It helps in speeding the recovery process and providing the best treatment results.

Avoid consuming omega fish oils, vitamin E, chilli ginseng, garlic, krill, and other such supplements at least two days before the treatment. It is best to avoid green and ginger teas as well.

Aspirin-based products, like Naproxen/Naprogesic, Neurofen, and Ibuprofen, must be avoided as they can cause bleeding, unwanted side effects and complications.

Avoid performing high-intensity exercises and going to a sauna or steam room.


The treatment has a minimal recovery time, but there is still plenty you can do to enhance the recovery and get the best results. Some patients may experience nausea after the thread lift procedure due to anaesthesia. However, it will pass after sipping small amounts of water.

Here are some more things you should do after the treatment:

Ice the treated area for a few minutes for four to five times during the day for the first week if you are experiencing slight bruising or swelling.

Restrict facial movements for one day. Make sure to rest for a full day after getting the treatment.

You can move around wherever you want, but don’t perform any strenuous activity or heavy lifting for three weeks.

You can take pain killers as required after the procedure. Try consuming them after a meal to avoid any risk of nausea.

It is best to avoid aspirins for the next two weeks after the treatment.

Avoid applying makeup or facial cream for at least 48 hours.

You should not drink a beverage with a straw and focus on drinking liquids or consuming soft foods for at least a week.

Chewing gum should be avoided for at least two weeks.

Experiencing slight discomfort in the first two days after the procedure is normal, it will gradually reduce.

Try keeping your head elevated for a week.

Don’t pull your facial skin, massage, scrub or exfoliate the skin for at least three weeks. You are also not supposed to wash or touch your face for at least 12 hours.

Follow the care guidelines the practitioner gives you regarding the incision wounds.

It is recommended that you sleep on your back to prevent any swelling. Avoid straining or placing pressure on your face as it may result in threads misalignment.

Avoid getting any dental treatment for at least two weeks after getting the PDO thread lift.

If you experience any adverse side affects please contact us immediately.

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