If you are suffering from spider veins, then microsclerotherapy might be the ideal solution for you. This procedure is considered to be a highly effective treatment for getting rid of spider veins, which are small veins that are often visible just beneath the surface of the skin. With microsclerotherapy, a specially formulated solution is injected directly into the veins, which causes them to collapse and fade away over time.

During the microsclerotherapy procedure, the solution that is injected into the veins is designed to irritate the lining of the vessels, causing them to stick together. Once the veins are successfully sealed off, the blood will be redirected to healthier veins within the body. Eventually, the sealed off veins are reabsorbed into the surrounding tissue, and the veins will collapse and fade away. This typically results in a significant improvement in the appearance of the treated area, making it a popular solution for spider veins.

One of the main benefits of microsclerotherapy is that it is a non-invasive and relatively pain-free treatment. Most clients report experiencing only minimal discomfort during the procedure, and there is usually no downtime required afterwards. Multiple sessions may be needed to achieve optimal results, but many people will see noticeable improvements after just one session. If you are interested in learning more about microsclerotherapy, we encourage you to contact us to schedule a consultation to discuss whether this treatment is right for you.

Frequently asked questions

Microsclerotherapy is a medical treatment used to treat thread veins or spider veins on the legs, thighs, and feet. It’s a minimally invasive treatment using a fine needle to inject a sterile sclerosant solution into the veins. This solution irritates the lining of the veins, causing them to close up and

The number of sessions required depends on the extent of the veins being treated. Typically, you will need between one and three sessions, spaced six weeks apart, to achieve the desired result. Your practitioner will advise you on the number of sessions required based on your individual circumstances.

Microsclerotherapy is a safe and effective treatment for spider veins and thread veins on the legs, thighs, and feet. However, it’s not suitable for certain types of veins, such as varicose veins or larger veins located in the area above the knee.

The duration of the procedure depends on the extent of the veins being treated. Typically, it takes approximately 30 minutes to complete. However, you will need to allow additional time for the initial consultation and assessment of your suitability for the treatment.

Most patients experience minimal discomfort during the procedure. However, you may experience a slight stinging or burning sensation during the injection process. After the treatment, you may experience some swelling and redness, which should subside within a few hours.

While microsclerotherapy is generally considered safe, as with any medical treatment, there are some risks involved. These risks include inflammation, skin discoloration, and allergic reactions. However, these risks are minimal and can be mitigated by selecting an experienced and qualified practitioner.

After the treatment, you will receive aftercare advice from your practitioner. This advice will include guidelines on how to care for the treated area, such as avoiding hot baths and sun exposure. You may also be advised to wear compression stockings for a short period following the treatment, which will help to reduce swelling and promote healing.

Microsclerotherapy is generally safe and suitable for adults who are in good overall health. However, it may not be suitable for certain individuals, such as pregnant women or those who have a history of blood clots. Your practitioner will conduct a thorough assessment of your medical history before proceeding with the treatment.

The cost of microsclerotherapy varies depending on the extent of the veins being treated. Typically, you can expect to pay between £150 and £300 per session. Your practitioner will provide you with a detailed cost breakdown based on your individual circumstances during the initial consultation.

To book a consultation for a microsclerotherapy treatment, simply contact our clinic by phone or email. Our team of experienced practitioners will be happy to answer any questions you may have and provide you with all the information you need to make an informed decision about your treatment options.

SCLEROTHERAPY treatment summary

Treatment care


Before your microsclerotherapy treatment, it’s important to follow some pre-care instructions to ensure the best possible results. Here are some things you should know:

1. Preparation for your microsclerotherapy treatment begins at least 2 weeks before your scheduled appointment. Please avoid exposure to the sun and do not use tanning beds, self-tanning products, or any other skin pigmentation-enhancing treatments during this time.

2. Prior to your appointment, please inform your practitioner if you are taking any blood-thinning medication, as this may increase the risk of bruising or bleeding at the injection site.

3. Please refrain from using any topical creams or ointments on the areas to be treated for at least 24 hours prior to your session.

4. On the day of your treatment, it is best to wear loose-fitting clothing to allow for easy access to the injection sites. You may also consider bringing a pair of shorts to change into if your leg veins are being treated.

5. After your treatment, you may experience some mild soreness, swelling, or bruising at the injection site. Applying ice or a cool compress may help to alleviate these symptoms.

6. It is important to avoid strenuous physical activity for at least 48 hours following your treatment, as this may exacerbate any soreness or swelling. However, moderate exercise such as walking or gentle yoga may help to improve circulation and aid in the healing process.

7. It is also important to avoid hot baths, saunas, or other sources of extreme heat for at least 48 hours following your treatment.

8. To ensure the best possible results, it is recommended that you wear compression stockings or socks for at least a week following your treatment. Your practitioner will provide you with specific instructions on how to safely and effectively wear these garments.

9. If you experience any pain, discomfort, or signs of infection following your treatment, please contact your practitioner immediately. They will be able to advise you on the best course of action to take to ensure a successful recovery.

10. Remember to stay hydrated, eat a healthy diet, and keep your stress levels low during the recovery period. This will help to promote optimal healing and minimize any potential complications.

Following these pre-care instructions can help ensure a successful microsclerotherapy treatment and minimize your risk of side effects. If you have any questions about preparing for your appointment, please don’t hesitate to contact our clinic.


Aftercare Instructions for Microsclerotherapy Treatment

Congratulations on receiving your microsclerotherapy treatment! With the treatment complete, it’s important to follow the aftercare instructions in order to get the best possible results. Here are some things to keep in mind:

1. Dressing and Bandaging

It’s recommended that you wear compression stockings for at least one week after your microsclerotherapy treatment. These stockings will help improve blood circulation and reduce the risk of complications such as clotting and swelling. You may also need to wear a dressing or bandage over the treated area for up to 48 hours.

2. Hygiene

Ensure to keep the treated area dry and clean to avoid infection. Avoid scrubbing or rubbing the areas and gently pat them dry after showering or bathing. You can use lukewarm water to clean the area, but avoid using any perfumed soap or lotion. Swimming pools, hot tubs and any water with a high chlorine content should be avoided for a week post treatment.

3. Exercise

Avoid rigorous exercise for at least 48 hours after the procedure to allow sufficient time for recovery. Exercise can lead to increased blood flow and pressure in the affected areas, which may compromise the treatment’s effectiveness.

4. Sun exposure

Avoid direct sun exposure for at least two weeks after microsclerotherapy treatment. Prolonged sun exposure can lead to pigment changes and permanent scarring in the treated areas.

5. Alcoholic beverages

As with any medical procedure, avoid consuming alcohol for at least 48 hours after the treatment. Alcohol can thin the blood, leading to increased bruising and bleeding in the treated areas.

6. Pain relief

Mild discomfort and redness are common after microsclerotherapy. Over-the-counter pain medications such as paracetamol and ibuprofen can be taken as directed by your physician to alleviate these symptoms.

7. Follow-up appointment

Follow up with your practitioner a week after the procedure to assess the results and ensure optimal healing progress.

8. Activities of daily living

Avoid prolonged standing or sitting for extended periods immediately after the procedure. Moving around for short intervals can help prevent blood clots and enhance blood circulation in the treated area.

10. Results

You should expect to see some improvement in the appearance of the treated area shortly after the treatment. Optimum results can take up to 12 weeks before showing a marked difference. If you have any concerns about your results or any contact issues, please do contact our clinic’s aftercare team where a practitioner will be happy to assist you.

10. Risks and complications: Although rare, microsclerotherapy carries certain risks and complications such as infection, thrombophlebitis, skin discoloration, and scarring. Speak to your physician about any concerns you may have before proceeding with the treatment.


Following these guidelines will help ensure that your microsclerotherapy treatment is a success. If you have any concerns or questions about your aftercare, don’t hesitate to contact your clinic.

If you experience any adverse side affects please contact us immediately.

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